Have Knife - Will Travel

Welcome to travelingmohel.com! If you are expecting a boy, or if your son has just been born, and you live in an area without a local mohel (or the local mohel is unavailable, or you are exploring other options), travelingmohel.com is the address for you.

I come highly recommended by happy parents, rabbis and physicians, and have developed the traveling for a bris down to a science so that you have the best experience possible from a traveling mohel, your baby is given the attention he needs and deserves, and we remain in constant contact until your baby is completely healed from his bris (circumcision).

I currently live in South Florida, making me an ideal candidate to fly anywhere in the Caribbean or the United States. I am open to flying just about anywhere in the world!

For more information about me and my thoughts on bris milah/ brit milah/ berit milah, please see my regular blog at http://www.mohelinsouthflorida.com/

Click here to read the inaugural thoughts of this website/blog. This posting is the important first step in understanding what I offer and how my mohel services will best fit your needs.


Houston Revisited

I can get used to this.

I had the privilege to go to Houston, TX once again for a bris. But this time, since the baby was born on Saturday, it was a "Shabbos bris!"

This meant that I had to fly in Friday before sundown, stay the entire weekend, and I finally came home today (Sunday), as there were no flights out of Houston on Saturday night, by the time Shabbos was over.

As no one in this crowd takes pictures on Saturday (Orthodox Jewish crowd), there are no pictures from the bris.

However, before I left this morning, I took a stoic selfie to mark the occasion and location. (when earbuds are plugged into the phone, it's possible to take a selfie without holding the phone)

This is the twice-recently-flooded sanctuary of UOS (United Orthodox Synagogues), where Rabbi Barry Gelman has been the rabbi for 15 years. Rough times for the shul those were - they seem to be doing well, despite the setbacks.

ANYWAY, it was an honor to serve this beautiful family. I am grateful for the opportunity to be there for them for Shabbos, when it is often very difficult to procure a mohel. I am grateful to my wife for letting me go. Thankful to all those who hosted me (including a couple featured here earlier who have since moved to Houston), and the family that hosted me for Shabbos dinner - which was delicious!!

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